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pre2-0.00a- Sun Oct 28 12:48:37 EST 2001
Jass! A new pre-alpha. A few nice changes in this one.  The Rexec module was added and improved from its inital release. Minor changes include:
  • I changed the module used for the databases. This could cause problems when accessing existing databases. You can change the import dbmhash line in Database.py to import anydbm if you like.
  • I've added flags support to the ReplaceAction. You can now do dagny: key s/regexp/string/gi for a global search-replace and case insensitive searching. Those are the only flags that seemed to make much sense, but you can pass others through the regexp if you find the need. Consult the python re documentation on info how to do this.
  • I finally got around to making sure the databases are synced when dagny is reloaded
  • fixed a tasty bug regarding privmsging an AddressedAction.
Well, go grab it if it tickles you in a pleasant way.

Update- Thu Oct 18 18:02:21 EDT 2001
I've added a Rexec action that allows users to execute arbitrary
python code within a sandbox. I am not releasing a new snapshot of the code until I am reasonably sure it does not lead to some sort of security problem. However, if anyone is interested it has been checked into CVS under the Rexec module. Have fun and let your doodle be your guide.

pre-0.00a-Wed Oct 10 00:29:50 EDT 2001
Jummy. I just released our first pre-alpha. That's right sports fans, no more multiple pre- tags. Does this mean dagny is any better than before? Probably not, but I am at least somewhat certain that she can be used for simple botting. The database stuff only has a few more features that need to be added before we are where I want before a full release. Okay, so I haven't made many big changes, but they are coming. School is more work than I expected.
Documentation is still lacking, so just /msg me (woodblock) on openprojects.net, or drop me an email for support. May all your children have small fingers.
pre-pre3-0.00a - Tue Sep  4 07:47:21 EDT 2001
Ooooh! New pre-alpha . A collection of small changes and a few tweaks. Development should pick up now that I am back to school, so look for a few big changes. 

pre-pre2-0.00a - Thu Aug 30 00:12:55 EDT 2001
Brand new pre-alpha has been released. No major changes, but I have added a forget action. Mostly, it is just to sync up or new cvs tree . Go grab it .

pre-pre-0.00a - Fri Aug 24 17:02:43 EDT 2001
A new pre-alpha is out. Some major changes and we are now at pre-pre-0.00a. Feel free to download it, because that's what bandwidth is for.
dagny is an IRC bot framework in python. What does that mean? It means, not only is she a bot, but she is also designed and implemented in such a way so as to make it easy to extend, modify, update and hack her. This allows new features to be added without much knowledge of her implementation. 
The author is pleased to hear from users and developers alike. New ideas are welcomed, and no questions are dumb questions.


Thanks to the good folks at sourceforge for doing their bit and hosting my little project .

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